Our staff has over 20 years of experience in marketing and underwriting construction-related risk. We understand both residential and commercial construction exposures. We assist agents by delivering competitive products, quickly and accurately.
Specializing in:
- Auto Liability
- General Liability
- Excess/Umbrella
- Workers' Compensation
- Property/Inland Marine
Target Classes and/or Recent Successes
- Excavation
- Concrete construction
- Road striping
- Roofing
- General contractors
- Street and road
- Drywall
- Small Artisans
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Sprinkler contractors
- General Contractors
- Swimming pool contractors
- Millwrights
More classes available, call for details!
Minimum Premiums
Varies by carrier, line of business and/or class - please call with any questions.
Admitted and Non-Admitted Carriers ("A" rated or better)
Competitive pricing and compensation terms.
We require the following:
ACORD applications, 5 years of current value loss runs, description of operations, and any required supplemental applications. (Refer to Applications tab)
Title | View/Download |
MS Construction Supplemental Application | MS Construction Supplemental Application |