E & S Brokerage
Our E&S provides solutions for your hard-to-place exposures and specialty coverage lines. We have expertise in the following areas construction, manufacturing, distributor, foreign placement. We offer a broad range of coverage options for our areas of expertise which include:
General Liability
Our carriers have the ability to write on both occurrence and claims made policy forms. Depending on the class of business we can offer up to $10,000,000, limits of liability from a single carrier, and if needed build towers up to $50,000,000. Some first dollar coverage depending on the class. Surplus lines handled in-house. $2,500 Minimum Premium.
Since the products we offer are specialized and varies greatly by type of industry, we utilize many different insurers, all of whom are Best’s rated A VII or better.
10% minimum subject to markets
Submission Requirements:
Acord Application
5 years of Loss runs
Supplemental Applications