Fine Art Admitted
Our technical expertise and knowledge of personal exposures allows us to underwrite a diverse range of risks including fine art, jewelry, fine wine, vintage vehicles, silverware, coins, stamps, musical instruments, gun collections, memorabilia and other collectibles.
●Coverage Parameters
Our comprehensive personal collection forms thoroughly address critical policy features rather than treat them as an afterthought to homeowners insurance.
- Agreed value, current market value or a combination of both with all-risk, worldwide coverage (including breakage and mysterious disappearance)
- No per-item limitations
- Coverage for personal collections while on loan to museum exhibitions
- No limitation on packers
- Consistent approach to loss in value
- Coverage for the cost of replacing or restoring the identifying labels for wine
- $1,500 minimum premium is required
"A" rated carriers
●Commission Schedule
Competitive Rates
●Application Requirements
MarketScout Producer Agreement is required along with E&O verification and respective state license. Minumun premium volume is $1,500.
Title | View/Download |
Wine Application | Wine Application |
Museum Collection | Museum Collection |
Exhibition Application | Exhibition Application |
Dealer Application | Dealer Application |
Commercial Artist Application | Commercial Artist Application |
Fine Art Application | Fine Art Application |
1Is your staff dedicated to fine art and valuable articles only or do they handle other lines of business?
We have a seasoned team of underwriters with more than 30 years of experience. All we do is underwrite fine art and valuable articles. We do not handle other classes of business. Our expertise is in underwriting this class of business. We also have experienced fine art claim specialists that work with the most experienced conservation and restoration professionals.
2What is your minimum premium?
$750 for the personal inland marine policy.
3What states do you write in?
Our program is available in the 48 continental states. It is not available in Alaska or Hawaii.
4Who handles the adjusting of any fine art loss?
While other companies expect their adjusters to handle a wide variety of losses, from automobile damage to personal injury, we believe objects of a rare or valuable nature need expert attention. Our Fine Art claims specialists not only know the right questions to ask, they know where to go for the right answers. When an object is damaged, whether it's a Remington bronze or an Old Master drawing, our first priority is to minimize any further loss in value. To accomplish this, we employ only the most experienced conservation and restoration professionals and manage their processes to ensure exceptional results.
5Does your policy cover mysterious disappearance and breakage?
Yes, these two important perils are covered. Many policies do not cover these perils. Our policy is one of the broadest in the market place and compares favorably against the competition.