Group Health
We have specific carriers that offer Group Medical on a Fully Insured and Partially Self Insured basis. With the Healthcare Reform Act we are positioned to offer competitive coverage with various funding means. We know that employers are looking for a way to lower or stabilize their group medical coverage and cost. We strongly believe that employers will be increasing deductibles and out of pocket expenses for their employees. As a result, we are very experienced with designing a comprehensive group medical plan and replacing the employee's increased out of pocket exposure via a GAP plan. Our GAP plan coverage can be offered on an employer contribution basis or a voluntary basis. We'll design your plan where our GAP product is first dollar coverage for the employee which in essence improves an employee's coverage. We have several partially self insured plans that offer maximum funding to the employer. With this, the employer's maximum cost is capped and with good experience a refund of the premium can occur. Our Group partially self insured plans allow the employer to know their maximum liability and be rewarded a return of premium for good claims experience. Regardless of the Employer's appetite for risk assumption, we have the carriers, plan designs and knowledge to offer a unique and competitive comprehensive Group Medical plan to all employees.
Healthcare Reform dictates the limits of liability; most products are unlimited.
Various fully insured and self-insured reinsurers depending on the geographic location and size of the group.
Generous commissions based on geographic location and size of the group.
We can include a specific requested commission percentage for partial self-insured opportunities.
Not applicable.