Prescription Cards

Our free Prescription RX discount card is provided by one of the nation's premier integrated pharmacy services provider. This card has immediate and unlimited use. There are no claim or enrollment forms. This discount card is accepted by over 60,000 participating pharmacies. Each time the card is used, at a participating pharmacy, the cardholder saves on the prescription purchase. This card guarantees the cardholder will receive the lowest discounted price on all eligible prescription.


Coverage Parameters

Unlimited usage with no maximum limits. This card is not limited to CVS locations. This card is accepted by all major pharmacies and other large retailers.



Commission Schedule

This product offers no commission as its use is to promote good will to those in need of RX prescriptions cost discounts.

Application Requirements

Not applicable.

No applications available.


1What are some of the benefits to a cardholder?
Some of the benefits are (1) average savings of 20% off the pharmacy's regular price on all commonly prescribed drugs including Brand and Specialty drugs. Generic drug savings is up to 75% (2) no income or age requirement (3) unlimited use by the entire family (4) no claim form (5) no enrollment form (6) no cost to the cardholder or the employer (7) free.
2Do the cards come in English and Spanish?
3Can a card be private labeled for an Employer or Association?
Yes. The Employer or Association must have a minimum of 5,000 members.
4Does MarketScout have marketing material on the card and how are cards ordered?
Just contact and marketing material and cards will be sent.
5Is this card insurance?
No. This is a discount card thus you are not required to have an insurance license to distribute this card?
6Will this card really work?
Absolutely; give it a try and see for yourself. This is an excellent marketing tool that can help individuals and give you another reason to enhance your relationship with your client and or prospect.
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