U S L & H

Our company offers comprehensive workers' compensation coverage to maritime employees as well as a highly specialized maritime insurance program that can reduce workers' compensations costs.

This program targets the following classes of business:

  • Loading and unloading of cargo from vessels
  • Repair and maintenance of vessels and   maritime equipment (such as ship repair, crane service, boiler and engine repair, electronic equipment installation and service, cleaning and painting)
  • Ship building (all commercial vessels, military vessels, and pleasure craft over 65', such as yachts)
  • Marine terminals
  • Tank cleaning
  • Marine construction contractors
  • Offshore oil & gas contractors
  • Any operation operating on or near navigable water ways


Coverage Parameters

Workers' Compensation USL&H/Longshore

Maritime Employer Liability

Jones Act Coverage




Lloyds of London (MEL)

James River Insurance (MEL)

Commission Schedule

We pay generous, competitive commissions on all lines of business.

Application Requirements

ACORD Application

3 years of currently valued loss runs

Experience Mod worksheet

Supplemental Application

Title View/Download
Maritime Employer Liability App Maritime Employer Liability App
USL&H Supplemental USL&H Supplemental


1How are claims reported in the program?
The insured can utilize a nationwide toll-free 1-800 number to report claims.
2How is the billing handled within the Longshore Workers' Compensation program?
Payments are handled through multiple direct bill plans. The insured is direct-billed.
3What is the highest experience mod accepted by the program?
This varies by premium size and state. Please contact Market Specialist for details.
4What is required to get a quote?
A completed Workers' Compensation ACORD form, 3-5 years' loss runs, and current experience mod sheet are required to receive a quote. Additional underwriting information may be required.
5What percent of the account must be USL&H?
At least 1% of the payrolls must be USL&H to qualify.
6Can you write a standalone USL&H policy?
No, our program required us to write both the State Act and the Longshore act coverage.
7What is the minimum premium for the program?
The minimum premium allowed for the program is $10,000.
8Who is the insurer and what is their rating?
This will depend on the type of work being preformed and the state the insured is working in. We will place the account with one of our A rated insurers.
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